Dreams do come true - Del 16

"It's fine. I think we should just forget about this and get back to being friends." When she said that I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to be more than friends, but I was happy that she at least whanted to be friends.

"Yeah, thats and great!" I said giving her a smile and she smiled back.

Linns perspektiv :

Medans Aria och harry var i hennes rum så fortsatte vi att titta på filmen, men ingen värkade vara särskilt konsentrerad. Efter en stund så stoppade vi filmen och bestämmde odd för att bara ta det lugnt och prata istället.

"So Linn, why did you deside to move to London?" frågade Liam.

"Well, first of all I missed Aria to much to be away from her." svarade jag med ett leende.

"How long have you guys been friends?" undrade Niall.

"We have knowen each other sice we where five" svarade jag och log. " She has always ben there for me when I needed her!"

"Wow, that's realy long time!" svarade Louis med ett leende.

"Yes, but I never get tired of her!" svarade jag.

"Lets move to another question." sa jag efter en stund.

"Okey, are you dating anyone?" frågade Zayn blygt.

"Haha, no not yet!" svarade jag och log. Jag märkte hur han känd sig lättad efter att jag sagt att jag var singel. Jag kollade på honom försiktigt och tittade in i hans fantastiska mörka ögon.

Louis perpektiv :

I noticed how Linn and Zayn where starring at each other so I decided to brake the awkward silence.

"So, what are we going to do?" Linn stopped looking at Zayn and looked at me instead.

"I don't know, Harry and Aria are steel in her room, don't think they will be back yet." she said.

"What is it about them anyway, why where they yelling at each other this morning?" Liam asked.

"Wait, Harry never told you guys did he?" ske said.

"Told us what?" Niall said. I knew what she was talking abou, Harry had told me about that.

"I'm going to tell you guys, ut you are not aloud to tell Harry or Aria anything!" We noded and she continued. " You know that day when Aria slept over at your house and you guys where sleeping on the coutch while you watched a movie. Well since you where all sleeping Harry showed Aria his room and they ended up making-out.". When she finished talking the guys stod there with there mouths open. And sice I wasn't supposed to know, I tried to look chocked too. Then Linn started talking again:

"Remember guys, do NOT tell anyone that I told you guys!"

"Told what?" a familiar voice said. We all turned aroud and say Aria and Harry smiling.

"Oh, nothing, just told them a secret about me!" Linn answered nervously.

"Oh okey! So what are we going to do?" Liam asked.

"We can eat, I'm kind of hungry!" Niall said.

" So it's true?" Linn asked.


"That you're always hungry?" she answered. We all started laughing.

"Of course it is!" Liam said.

"I agree with Niall, we should go and eat a early dinner."Aria, who had ben quiet sice she and Harry came out of her room, said.

We called Paul and told him to come and get us at the girls apartment. When he arrived, we all desided to go to Nando's which mad Niall very happy. We got out of the car and luckely there where no fans.We went in and started ordering when 5 girls came and asked to take a picture with us. We took the picture and I noticed how they where looking at Linn and Aria. After we sat down and started eating I noticed that there where moore and more people coming, and they where all teenage girls. They started taking pictures of us and the girls. We dicided not to care about it and had a good laugh while eating the food. When we where going to leave I called Paul.

"Hey can you come and pick us up?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in 10 minutes." he said and I hanged up. When he then called me back we went out and saw a massive group of girls waiting outside the food restaurant. It looked like more than 100 girls who where screaming our names.

Jag är värkligen jääääääääätte ledsen för att det tog mig sån tid att skriva den här delen även fast det fanns mer än 3 kommentarer. Håller på och skriver nästa del nu och ska publicera den direkt när jag är klar med den :D ♥


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