Dreams do come true - Del 13

Zayns perspektiv:
Someone was ringing on the doorbell, so I went and opend when I sudunly saw Aria.
"ARIA! We have missed you soooooooo much!!" I screamed and gave her a big hug.
"Zayn! I have missed you guys too!" she said.
"Come in, the boys are all her." I answered and moved away from the door.
"Thank you! This is my friend Linn by the way, she is living with me" Aria said and moved a little bit and I saw a very pretty blond girl blushing.
"Hi, I'm Zayn!" I said and gave her a smile.
"I'm Linn."
"Okey, so you guys want to come in or what?" I asked them both, but was looking at Linn.
"Haha, yeah!" they both said and started laughing.
They came in and we went to the living room where the other lads where exept Harry who was in his room with some random girl he meet last night.
"Oh my god, Aria!" Liam, Niall and Louis screamed at the same time and jumped on her.
"Haha, hi guys I wanted to come and say hello, heared you where back from the tour." Aria said.
"We missed you too. Yeah the tour was great, er meet a lot of fans and had realy fun." Niall replied to her and ssmiled.
"Nice than. Guys this is my friend Linn! She is from Sweden and came two monthes after you left. She is living with me in my new apartment because Bianca got engaged and pregnant so she moved in with Jake. "
The guys all introduce themselves to Linn.
Arias perspektiv:
Jag kollade runt i rummet med såg inte Harry. Jag skulle precis fråga killarna vart han var när jag såg en tjej med rött hår som gick ut från hans rum. Jag kände igen henne, det var Ashley. Hon kysste Harry lät på munnen och jag kände att jag skulle gråta precis när som hälst, men jag höll tårarna tillbaka. Hon gick till ytterdörren och skulle precis ut när hon såg mig.
"Aria, Linn!" sa Ashley förvånat. Harry vände sig om och kollade på mig.
"Hi Ashley..." svarade jag.
"What are you doing her?" frågade hon och log.
"Nothing just visiting friends" sa jag och pekade på killarna som stog hellt stilla, jag kollade på Linn som gav mig en orolig blick.
"Do you guys know each other?" fråade Harry och avbröt tystnaden.
"Yes, we go to the same school and are close friends" svarade Ashley glatt. "Well, I have to go, but I'll see you later." fortsatte hon och kysste Harrys läppar. När hon gick ut stog killarna fortfarande still och Harry gick in till sitt rum.
"Guys, I'll just go and talk to Harry." sa jag och började gå till hans rum.
"Lycka till!" hörde jag Linn ropa efter mig.
När jag kom in till hans rum kollade han mig rätt in i ögonen.
"Hi." sa jag efter en stund.
"Uhm, hi."
"Harry, how could you do this to me. You kissed made-out with her at the club last night right in front of my face." sa jag sakta.
"Well you seamed so busy with that other guys anyway."svarade han och tittade bort.
"How could you spend your whole tour texting me stuff like I love you, and then when you came back you just forget about me and go and have sex with my friend!" sa jag högt.
" MOVED ON?! I SPENT MY HOLE SUMMERVACATION TRYING TO FORGET ABOUT YOU, BUT EVERYWHERE I WHENT THERE WHERE POSTER OR MAGASINS ABOUT YOU SAYING THAT YOU KISSED NEW GIRLS EVERY WEEK!" skrek jag tillbaka och kunde inte hålla tillbaka tårarna som ran och ran ner för mina kinder, jag årkade inte längre, så jag sprang där ifrån.